American Legion World Series

2025 Bat Kid Applications
The Cleveland County ALWS Baseball committee is once again seeking qualified students to serve as official Bat Girls/Bat Boys at the 2025 American Legion World Series. Due to the inherent dangers of being on the baseball diamond, all applicants are REQUIRED to be currently playing (2025) in an organized baseball or softball program (Little League, Dixie, City Parks and Rec. program, etc.) Student must be 10 to 12 years of age. Applications open January 15, 2025 and close April 15, 2025.
A Bat Boy or Bat Girl has a responsibility to assist the players and coaches, and, ultimately, help speed up the game.
Responsibilities include but may not be limited to:
Retrieving bats left in the dugout or on the field.
Gathering arm and shin guards that batters drop.
Participating in team pregame warmups at the discretion of the coach.
Other Guidelines:
Arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled game wearing your lanyard. Report to Chris or Jean Horne along the first base line in front of the Lowe’s Center.
Remain still during the Code of Conduct and the national anthem.
Safety is the top priority. A Bat Boy or Bat Girl must:
— Stay engaged in the game.
— Wear a helmet at all times – in the dugout and on the field.
— Stay in the dugout during the game until the game is halted or the umpire calls “time.”
— Go on the field only to retrieve bats and gear.
— NOT stand on the steps of the dugout during the game.
— Keep his or her cell phone in a backpack unless there is an emergency.